
At CAS, we believe giving back to our community is a vital part of running a responsible and successful company.
Texas United Sponsorship

Here at CAS, we firmly believe in contributing to our community in order to run a responsible business. We do this via our sponsorship, and we're happy to sponsor certain clubs, like our Houston-based soccer club here at Texas United. Our sponsorship's primary focus is the Under-14s team. Plus, as a Premier League Team, the […]

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Lifting Families Together

OUR STORY Mission:  Improve the quality of life for children with health care issues. Ava Hollad, our president, has touched the lives of many families. She's both president and founder as well of Lifting Families Together (LFT). Ava created a project team in 2015 with the mission to promote services and visions of building stronger communities. […]

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